When you think about an armadillo, cute and cuddly doesn’t come to mind. You would most likely picture a well armored critter that you see waddling across the street in the dark.
These nocturnal animals are found all over central Florida, regardless of city or country population.
Armadillos have a great sense of smell and dig holes to feast on grubs, worms and other small insects that they find in the ground. They burrow under the ground to build a habitat where they will raise their offspring, usually having 4 babies at a time. Some of their burrows have been known to reach up to 25 feet long.
Armadillos can be quite the nuisance for a homeowner. Armadillos will burrow under concrete slabs, endangering the stability of the slab by creating air pockets that may lead to cracks in home foundations. They can damage trees by burrowing near them and damaging the root structure. They burrow in gardens and well manicured lawns. They have no respect for where they choose to dig for food or a place to live.
One of the best ways to keep these pesky fellows out of your yard is to eliminate their food source. Having a professional pest control service regularly treat your lawn will control the grubs, worms and other small insects from making a home in your yard. However, this could also make the armadillo dig even more because they are having a hard time finding their next meal.
You could also have traps placed on your property to lure the armadillo so it can be removed safely from the area. This option may turn out to be the best choice, as it will eliminate the destruction right away. The armadillo will be relocated to a safe place where it can live out its life.
Armadillos are not aggressive but trying to catch them on your own could prove tricky. When startled they jump straight up in the air and they are very fast runners. At Turner Pest Control, we have educated technicians that will come to your home or property and know how to set a trap, with the right kind of bait, to safely cage the armadillo and then relocate it. You can schedule an appointment now by clicking here or call us today at 352-223-3618 to schedule your appointment, we are here to assist you in ridding your property of all types of pests and critters.